The ARGonauts Podcast

creating a Game Preservation/Archival Podcast

  • 35 members
  • 76 posts
  • $64.18/month

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Honorary ARGonaut
 / month

Thank you for your support in hosting the show and making it the best it can be! With this tier you'll receive:

* Early episodes - you'll get to listen a day before the episode goes live anywhere else!

* Trailheads - we'll post the trailhead of the next ARG we're covering at the same time that Marn sends it to Andrew! Try and solve it while you're waiting for the episode to come out!

  • Discord access 
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 / month

You'll get everything in the $1 tier, plus:

* Thank You notes - we'll send you handwritten notes to thank you for your patronage! May or may not include ciphers.

  • Discord access 
ARG, Babies!
 / month

Patrons who subscribe at $5 a month get a free Honorary ARGonauts Sticker as a show of our gratitude! Stick it wherever you want, you've earned it  :)

  • Discord access 

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The ARGonauts Podcast

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